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Last Date Conversation

Boy: "Move on is easy."

Girl: "You said that move on is easy. I tried your words. but, wait...... why..... so hard? your name,your face,your smile always on my mind, in my heart. I knew that you love her. I think you which better with her. these all my fault to forgive you easly. Yeah, this is my fault :') "

Boy: "Hey,girl. I love her more than I like you. But I already make you love me. Sorry, I must leave you. this is all my reasons."

Girl: "Can I forget about you? about our nice conversation, about our promises. all about us. I never understand how I let you go. But, sometimes I try to hide what I feel inside and I turn around, you with her now."

Boy: "Of course. My pleasure,dude. I'll happy if you already can forget about me. haha"

Girl: "Hey,dude. If you know that God is never sleep. He always catch you everytime or everywhere. And then, you should know that karma does exist."

Boy: "I will waiting for that"

                    *After 1 years* ~Times Changed~

Boy: "Hey, don't you miss me?"

Girl: "Not at all."

Boy: "Really? But, I miss you so much"

Girl: "What? can you repeat again?"


Girl: "K. But, I already with someone else which better than you"

Boy: "Please forgive me. I regret that I left you and makes you hurt. But, You already with someone else. What should I do?"

Girl: "Still you remember about our last conversation 1 years ago?"

Boy: "Uh.. yeah, I still remember about our last conversation. why?"

Girl: "I said that karma does exist. And bang! now, you get karma."

Boy: "I knew that I get karma from God. But, I want you to back with me"

Girl: "Sorry, I already happy with my boyfriend"

Boy: "Please, I'm begging you :( "

Girl: "No, I can't "

Boy: "Ok, if you won't back with me, I'll stay away from you. As you know, I'm still in love with you no matter what happens"

Girl: "My pleasure. I don't love you anymore. ANYMORE!"

Boy: "Will he love you like I loved you? I want you to realize this feeling. Hey,girl. Tell me that I better than him :') Tell me that you don't love him:') Tell me that you'll break up with him, and then no longer we have relationship. But, What? I never heard that from you :') "

Girl: "Sorry,dude. I can't love you anymore"

Boy: "K. I should deserve this truth. Thanks for all of this moment. These all my fault, I'm so sorry :') bye :') "

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HAAAALLOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAALLAH UDAH BERAPA LAMA GUE GA NGEPOST YAALLAH?????!. UDAH JD ALAY BEGINI YAALLAH. tp jujur, gue males benerinnya juga. So lazy to do that. wait............ sekarang ini gue sering jd anak galau. ah gaperlu di sharing jg sih gapenting, toh ini blog! banyak yg baca ntar. Finally............gue sma! oke, skrg gue dikenal cuek/jutek dibbm atau sms atau chat atau smacamnya yg berhubungan dgn dunia maya atau apalah but not live, karna gaya bahasa ketikan gue yg singkat2,tp ga alay jg ya gue rasa. tp tuh yaa ngetik singkat itu menyenangkan! pnya kesan tersendiri!-_-. itu bagi gue. oke repeat,BAGI GUE. Dengan lapang dada bersusah payah gue nulis ga singkat di blog gue ini. Disaat gue kls 9,bnyk yg blg kalo sma itu enak,menyenangkan,lebih bebas (bebas dalam arti positif ya). And bang! gue ga merasakannya sama skali dr kata2 itu semua. Ini aja baru kelas 10 ya.......... sudahlah, gausah dibayangin kelas 11 sama 12 nya-_- bingung gue mau ngomong apa lagi. gue udah lupa semua cara ganti tema blog T_T yaallah lucu bgtsih msh alay bgini T_T. Baru nyadar judul posting ini "comeback", *thinking* berasa penyanyi yg abis vakum bertahun2 terus balik nyanyi lg. Muka gue yg dulu sama yg sekarang udh beda! jgn sama kan muka yg dulu dgn skrg itu sama! dunia berputar! ga selalu manusia itu drajat nya dibawah! layaknya sperti ga slalu muka itu jelek! tp ada saatnya muka itu cantik!. tp mana buktinya? T_T muka gue jelek2 juga T_T. Gue mau cerita something, tp............. ah ntar ada yg catch trs diomelin lg gue. privacy bener sih emg,kesel jg gue-_- kode nya aja kalo gitu, smoga lo ngerti deh "I FINALLY FOUND YOU". kedenger kaya judul lagu, tp emg bener itu kode dr smua crita yg pgn gue critain. ga jg sih, sperti akhirannya bgtu. ah udah gangerti ngmng apaan gue-_-. Udah dah yak! Bye!